Sunday 14 February 2021


 Diablo by Douglas Misquitta is an informative and entertaining action packed novel based on contemporary geopolitics. FBI Agent Kirk Ingram is devoted to the administration of justice and his devotion leads him to making alliances in his need to ensure justice. Image result for douglas misquitta diablo

The book is well researched and reader travels through Somalia,

 Austria, Libya, Mumbai and Kazahistan via the cinematic, well 

woven and fast paced plot that keeps you gripped till the end

Thursday 4 June 2020

The Testaments by Margaret Atwood

The Testaments by Margaret Atwood is a 2019 novel and is a compelling sequel to the Handmaids Tale. This novel (The Testaments) story takes place a decade and a half later.

The Testaments

The Testaments takes us through three overlapping stories explained by three women describing the events that occurred 15 years after Offred’s final scene.

The three stories are of Baby Nicole (now 16) living in Canada, Agnes who was snatched from her parents Offred and Luke and raised by the regime, and Aunt Lydia, a woman with power, who enforces a new regime and retrains handmaids.

Gilead society (where the novel is picturized) has a fertility crisis which has led to the overthrow of democracy and the rise of patriarchy and oppression. The women are categorized under wives, Handmaids, Marthas, Unwomen, Econowives and aunts. Here fertile women are farmed out to wealthy couples and forced to bear children for them.  Thus, fertility makes the women targets of societal violence and control.

Aunt Lydia brings people together for the purpose of plot and we see her as a survivor, who does everything necessary to avoid death and loss. She rises within the leadership by indulging in cold blooded politics.

The Testaments is a kind of spy thriller where a mole inside Gilead is working with the resistance, to bring down the evil empire. The prose in The Testaments is direct. While Atwood’s story telling is melodramatic, it is also a fast and immense narrative. She focuses on daily life among the privileged classes. Through her narrative we see how experience and stories shape characters.

The use of stories keeps the audience gripped. The novel is intense, and you come across mystery, secret identities, spying, friendships, romance and adventure. The novel gives the reader the hope that justice will prevail

Atwood is through her novel is able to draw parallels between Gilead and the world we live in today.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Homes by Abu Bakr al Rabeeah

Abu Bakr al Rabeeah's story is beautifully penned by Winnie Yeung.

This book is aptly chosen and is the first Canadian book that has been selected for the Global Digital Book Club 'Big Library Read'.

The book takes you through the experiences of Abu Bakr and his family in Syria. It brings out the experiences of refugees, their fears, struggles and in this case their path to freedom from a country plagued by violence.

The gripping experiences in the book give us a glimpse into the fears, struggles and troubles faced by refugees in areas like Syria where violence and war still prevail.

One can hope and pray that world leaders and people around the world understand and realize that war is only destructive and that world peace is the need of the hour!

The book is a must read for all. Once started the book can't be put down!

Tuesday 23 October 2018

How to be a Bawse by Lilly Singh

Image result for how to be a bawse
HOW TO BE A BAWSE – A Guide to Conquering Life by Lilly Singh is truly an inspiration. The book offers practical advice, ideas and life insights that have been the stepping 
stones to Lilly’s success.

Divided in four parts with 50 chapters (short and yet appealing) the book reads just like her videos.

As you go through the pages, you see Lilly in her most human form, her struggles and her achievements and thus the book forms a practical guide for all readers. Each one will definitely have something to take away, put to practice and treasure.

The book hits you with hard facts. My favorite hard fact – ‘There is no escalator to success. You have to take the stairs’. This is so true and I have experienced the same in all aspects!

Another important lesson is ‘keep learning’. Again, this is something we have heard before and it’s something one should never ever forget. I have repeatedly told my students that life is all about learning and I truly believe that we are constantly learning through every action every single day.

‘Get uncomfortable’. Everything you want is outside your comfort zone – an adage but true. Again no one achieved anything being in their comfort one.

Lilly reminds the reader to ‘own who you are’ and that’s something very important especially in today's fast paced competitive and challenging global scenario.

The book picks you up and helps you through so that you can look forward and thus conquer!

With her large following, Lilly will definitely impact a lot of lives through her book.

Thursday 26 July 2018

Stella by Lilly Adam

Stella by Lilly Adam is a well written novel that weaves its way through the lives of Stella, a beautiful young woman who is married to the wealthy businessman James Headly, who is her senior by quite a few years.

Misfortune befalls the family and they are forced out of their mansion and away from the luxuries they were used to. Life now takes them through some very trying times. 

Image result for stella lilly adamDuring this struggle, Stella sets up a flourishing bakery 'Glorious Bakes' with the help of her former maid Hetty. The story continues to unravel through traumatic situations, tragedy and a myriad of events that lead to complex incidents. 

An intriguing read that keeps the reader captivated wanting to know what will happen next.

Saturday 23 June 2018

Remake Your Brain! - Leonid Altshuler MD

Remake Your Brain! by Leonid Altshuler MD is an interesting read. Though short, it is a very open minded view of how to maintain your health in a manner that one is able to take care of one's mental as well as physical well being. Both are interlinked and maintaining both aspects of health are very important to one's well being.

While some people feel the book is misleading (read some reviews before reading this book) I found the book to be very enlightening. It is very true that our health depends on our over all well being and keeping oneself healthy is an integral part of being healthy mentally. 

The book talks about being aware of what is good for you. The natural methodology of maintaining your health is very informative. Motivated people will be able to take charge of their lives and thus make the necessary changes to lead a healthy, energetic and productive life.

'You are always the one who heals yourself' is so true and this view has been practiced through the years by ancient thinkers and yogis and is so relevant even today!

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Those in Peril (Hector Cross #1) by Wilbur Smith

Those in Peril (Hector Cross #1) by Wilbur Smith is a thriller and is action packed and keeps you turning pages. 

Billionaire oil tycoon - Hazel's, daughter is kidnapped by pirates  which leads to a struggle to bring her back home and finally revenge against the evil doers. 

The novel has an interesting plot which takes you through non stop action, treachery and violence. 

Smith's characters are larger than life and they take you through a whirlwind adventure leading to the victory of the hero of the novel Hector Cross. 


  Diablo by Douglas Misquitta is an informative and entertaining action packed novel based on contemporary geopolitics. FBI Agent Kirk Ingra...